11/07-11/13/2024, Galerie Talmart, 22 Rue du Cloitre, Saint-Merri, 75004 Paris FranceT: +33 12 41 70 32
10/2024 SHOTS Issue 165, Winter 2024 Self Portrait l. 27 Spring 2024, www.shotsmag.com
04/2024 Steam Ticket Vol. 27 Spring 2024 La Crosse published by University of Wisconsin
03/21/2024-04/06/2024 "Only Photography",MICHEKO GALERIE, Amalienstraße 81a/Rgb., D – 80799 Munich, Germany, T: +49 (89) 38 16 93 88
11/25/2022-03/03/2023 "In Dialogue", Getty Museum, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049
In Dialogue is a series of temporary installations in the Museum’s collection galleries. Inspired by points of visual symmetry between works, this presentation places contemporary portraits by six international photographers in conversation with European paintings and sculpture created before 1900. Through compelling and sometimes unexpected juxtapositions, these installations invite visitors to explore diverse approaches to portraiture and see both historical and contemporary works anew.
Look for photographs by Ananké Asseff, Rineke Dijkstra, Nan Goldin, Issei Suda, Hiroshi Watanabe, and Carrie Mae Weems in the North, East, South, and West Pavilions.
06/2022 "Namonai Ike" Metro Lightbox Series, Los Angeles Metro Vermont/Beverly Station
Initiated in 2001, the Metro Art Photo Lightbox Series is a program that produces photography exhibits to engage a broad range of Metro riders on their daily commute. Lightbox displays are comprised of photographic transparencies sequentially arranged on internally illuminated boxes installed at the following Metro stations: 7th St/Metro Center Station, Hollywood/Highland Station, Universal/Studio City Station, Vermont/Beverly Station, and Wilshire/Normandie Station.
11/2019 "SOULAGES D'une rive a l'autre", By Michael De Saint Cheron and Matthieu Seguela, Publsihed by ACTES SUD, France10/18-
12/03/2019 "The Art of Survival: Enduring the Turmoil of Tule Lake", City of Roseville Library, 1530 Maidu Drive, Roseville, CA 95661, (916)774-5909
11/02/2019 Opening Reception 6-8pm at Downtown Library
09/20/2019-03/08/2020 "The Return of Guests", The Power Station of Art", 678 Miaojiang Rd, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China, www.powerstationof art.org INVITATION
09/02-10/26/2019 "Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things", Utopica, Rua Rodésia 26, São Paulo, SP 05435-020
Brazil, info@utopica.photography T. 55 11 3037-7349
08/28/2019 MAM (Museum of Modern Art, Sao Paulo) Speech on Photographic Life
08/27/2019 Japan House, Sao Paulo "Kwaidan"
04/26-05/06/2019 The 10th Gelatin Silver Session 2019
AXIS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan www.axisinc.co.jp
03/15-04/27/2019 "Lotus Dreams" Benrubi Gallery, 521 West 26th St. 2F, New York, NY 10001 (212)888-6007
02/01-09/2019 "Lotus Dreams" WAV Venice Audio-Visual Show, Plazzo Michiel, Strada Nova, 4391, 30121 Campo Santi Apostoli, Vanezia VE, Italy
10/2018 National Geographic TravelerArticle
06/02 - 07/01/2017 "??????", Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp
06/16/2017 19:00~ Talk Show with Hiromi Tsuchida
04/23 - 07/16/2017 "The Art of Survival: Enduring the Turmoil of Tule Lake", Mark O. Hartfield US Courthouse, Portland,OR
04/21 - 05/07/2017 Gelatin Silver Session, Axis Gallery, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan
04/01 - 04/17/2017 La Quatrieme Image Festival, Espace des Blancs Manteaux, Paris, France
02/12 - 04/04/2017 "The Art of Survival: Enduring the Turmoil of Tule Lake", Henry Madden Library, CSU Fresno
12/27/2016 - 01/27/2017 "The Art of Survival: Enduring the Turmoil of Tule Lake", Chandler Museum, City of Chandler Cultural Affairs, (480) 782-2877
11/05 - 12/23/2016 "25th Anniversary Show", Kopeikin Gallery, 2766 South La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034, (310)559-0800, www.kopeikingallery.com
07/2016 SNACKS
07/15-10/16/2016 "Noh Masks of Naito Clan", SNACKS exhibition, Power Station of Art Museum, Shanghai, China
07/07-08/26/2016 "The Day the Dam Collapses", Benrubi Gallery, 521 West 26th Street, Floor 2, New York, NY 10001
(212) 888-6007, www.benrubigallery.com
12/2015-01/2016 "Sarumawashi", Takeda Art, Ginza 7-10-11-1F, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)6280-6663. www.takeda-bijutu.com
12/05-12/2015 Angkor Photo Festival, Siem Reap, Cambodia, www.angkor-photo.com
05/02 - 06/15/2015 "Fotographica Bogota 2015", FOTOMUSEO, National Museum of Photography in Colombia,Building Av 19 # 3-50 Barichara. Tower A, Bogot DC, Tel: 487 2880, www.fotomuseo.org
04/25 - 05/05/2015 Gelatin Silver Session, AXIS Gallery
12/12/2014 - 02/14/2015 "The Day the Dam Collapses", photo-eye Bookstore + Project Space, 376 Garcia Street, Suite A, Santa Fe, NM 87501
11/15 - 12/20/2014 "The Day the Dam Collapses", Kopeikin Gallery, 2766 South La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034, (310)559-0800, www.kopeikingallery.com
11/07/2014 - 03/29/2014 "Choromatsu 2, Suo Sarumwashi" is included in the exhibition "Hunting + Gathering: New Additions to the Museum Collection", New Mexico Museum of Art, 107 W Palace Ave. Santa Fe, NM, 505-476-5072, www.nmartmuseum.org
09/26-10/25/2014 "The Day the Dam Collapses", Daylight , 121 W. Margaret Ln., Ste. D, Hillsborough, NC 27278 www.daylightbooks.org
07/04-26/2014 "The Day the Dam Collapses" Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp
05/22-08/31/2014 "Bull City Summer", CAM Raleigh, 409 West Martin Street, Raleigh, NC., http://camraleigh.org/
05/21-07/26/2014 "UN ETE EN FLEURS" Galerie Basia Embiricon Galerie Photo 12, et Galerie Duo 10. 10-14 rue des Jardins Saint-Paul, Paris 4e, France,?+33 1 48 87 00 63, www.galeriebasiaembiricos.com/
04-07/2014 "The Art of Survival: Enduring the Turmoil of Tule Lake" Favell Museum, 125 West Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR 97601, (541)882-9996 www.favellmuseum.org
02/23-08/31/2014 "Bull City Summer" North Carolina Museum of Art, 2110 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-6494, (919) 839-NCMA
09/07-10/26/2013 "Suo Sarumawashi", Kopeikin Gallery, 2766 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034, (310)559-0800
06/2013 MIND Issue 3, China
05/2013 MAGNUS No. 5, Czech & Slovak
02/2013 PHOTONEWS, GermanyArticle 1 Article 2
01/19-02/17/2013 "Labyrinth - JAPAN",?theory of clouds,?B1F, 2-4-8, Kaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe JAPAN http://theoryofclouds.jp
12/2012 1814 MAGAZINE No. 3, www.1814mag.com
11/30/2012-03/02/2013 "Time Travels",MICHEKO GALERIE, Inh. Michele Vitucci, Theresienstrae 18, D - 80333 Munchen, Germany, T: +49 (89) 38 16 93 88, www.micheko.com
11/08-11/2012 Kunst 12 Z rich International Contemporary Art Fair, AD Galerie, ABB Hall 550, Ricarda-Huch-Strasse | 8050 Zurich
10/04-17/2012 "ARTIFACTS",Osaka Nikon Salon, Hilton Plaza West Office Tower 13F, Umeda 2-2-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698
09/12-25/2012 "ARTIFACTS",Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469
07/14-09/09/2012 "Doubles, Dualities & Doppelgangers", Center for Photography at Woodstock, 59 Tinker St., Woodstock, NY 12498
06/16-07/22/2012 "American Studies/Japanese Studies", Tanto Tempo, 3F, 2-1-3, Sakaemachi-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe JAPAN 650-0023, TEL +81-78-393-0810, http://tantotempo.jp/
06/2012 AFISHA MIR No. 92, RussiaArticle
05/26-06/30/2012 "Portrait Collection", AD-Galerie, route de la Gare,1, 1272 Genolier, VD, Switzerland Tel. 0041-(0)22 366 47 40
05/2012 Hayden's Ferry Review, Issue 50Article
05/2012 PRISMES No.16, Switzerland
03/2012 Photographs Not Taken (A Collection of Photographers' Essays), published by Daylight
01/2012 BLINK Contemporary Photography #8
12/2011 SHUTTER Magazine, Japan Vol. 3 Article PDF
10/2011 20 NOW: Contemporary Photographers, Published by Cite Publishing, Taiwan Article
10/11-12/11/2011 "Real Venice", Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA w, +44 (0)20 7845 4600, www.somersethouse.org.uk
10/05-29/2011 "Comedy of Double Meaning", Takeda Art, Ginza 7-10-11-1F, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)6280-6663. www.takeda-bijyutu.com
09/2011 "Ten Years On--A Collection of Songs in Remembrance of September 11th, 2001"
09/02-24/2011 "Easy Roads, Dark Roads", Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp
06/15-10/2011 Selection Art Fair, at AD-Galerie booth, Basel, Switrzerland. www.selection-art.com
06/08-07/12/2011 "Kids are People Too", Panopticon Gallery, inside Hotel Commonwealth, 502c Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215 www.panopticongallery.com
6/04-09/30/2011 "Real Venice": Venice in Peril, An exhibition at the 54th Venice Biennale, Abbey of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy, www.veniceinperil.com
04/2011 Cold Mountain Review Vol. 39 Number 2
04/2011 Citizen K, RussiaArticle
02/25-03/26/2011 "Le Fables", Gelerie Camera Obscura, 268 Boulevard Raspail 75014 Paris, France, Tel. + 1 45 45 67 08, www.galeriecameraobscura.fr
02/19-04/02/2011 "Love Point", Kopeikin Gallery, 2766 S. La Cienega Blvd. Culver City, CA. 90034 www.kopeikingallery.com
02/02-03/31/2011 "Gallery Artists", photo-eye Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, www.photoeye.com
12/2010 "Love Point" published by Nazraeli Press as One Pictre Book.
12/2010 Zoom Winter 2011 (#101 International, #229 Italian) Special issue ON BLACK&WHITE – Article
12/07/2010-03/13/2011 "DEGREES OF SEPARATION: CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION", San Jose Museum of Art, 110 South Market Street, San Jose, CA, 95113, Tel. (408) 271-6840, www.sjmusart.org
01/04/2011 6-8pm Private Reception -- Invitation
11/11/ - 11/15/2010?"Noh Masks of Naito Clan", Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Tailor's Tower, Baba Novac Street, Nr. 35, Telefon: 0264-450090 www.primariaclujnapoca.ro/turism
10/31-11/9/2010 Romanian Peasant Museum, Bucharest, Romania, Sos. Kisellef, Nr.3, Sector 1, Bucuresti, www.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro
08/12-25/2010 "Love Point", Osaka Nikon Salon, Hilton Plaza West Office Tower 13F, Umeda 2-2-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698
07/07-20/2010 "Love Point", Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469
06/18-09/19/2010 "Suo Sarumawashi" Promenades Photographiques, Vendome, France (Photo Festival) -- All images of Suo Sarumawashi series will be exhibited. www.promenadesphotographiques.com Poster
06/17-08/28/2010 "Summertime.." (Group show)?Jenkins Johnson Gallery, 464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA
04/28-05/02/2010 Art By Geneve, Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland www.artbygeneve.ch/ch AD-Galerie
04/2010 "Love Point", Serge online www.serge.se
03/27/2010 Io Donna (Italian publication)
Article (PDF)
03/04-07/2010 The Armory Show, Pier 94, New York Jenkins Johnson Gallery
02/27-07/18/2010 "Limners to Facebook: Portraiture from the 19th to the 21st Century" Asheville Art Museum, 2 South Pack Square, Asheville, NC 28802, (828)253-322 "Fukunosuke, Suo Sarumawashi"was included in this exhibition.
12/10/2009-01/30/2010 "Winter Haiku" (Group show) Jenkins Johnson Gallery, 464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA (415)677-0770
12/04/2009-02/05/2010 "Suo Sarumawashi" photo-eye Gallery, 376 Garcia Street Suite A, Santa Fe, NM (505)988-5152
12/02-06/2009 Catherine Edelman Gallery, ART MIAMI Booth B33, The Art Miami Pavilion , Midtown Blvd. Miami, FL
09/11-10/31/2009 "Findings, Kabuki, and Suo Sarumawashi" Catherine Edelman Gallery, 300 W. Superior St., Chicago, IL 60654?(312)266-2350
09/2009 ARTPASSIONS Article1 Article2 Article3
09/5-10/28, 2009 "American Leitmotiv" (B&W images of the US)?AD-Galerie, route de la Gare,1, 1272 Genolier, VD, Switzerland
07/01-12/31/2009 "Ideology in Paradise" Friends' Center, Angkor Hospital for Children, Siem Reap, Cambodia Contact: Brenda Edelson, curator, BGEdelson@aol.com 505-986-8686 (USA) http://www.fwab.org/ http://www.angkorhospital.org/
06/25-08/29/2009 "Summertime..." (Group show) Jenkins-Johnson Gallery, 464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA USA (415)677.0770
06/18-09/05/2009 Hot Fun in the Summertime Group Show, Bonni Benrubi Gallery , 41 E. 57th Street 13th Floor, New York, NY 10022 Tel. (212)888-6007
06/06-07/11/2009 Ideology in Paradise , Kopeikin Gallery , 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA 90069 Tel. (310)385-5894
04/01-09/30/2009 "Hearst 8x10 Photography Biennial" Hearst Tower, 300 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019
03/26/2009 "Four Evenings with Fine Art Photographers" hosted by Aline Smithson, 7:00PM, The Julia Dean Photo Workshops (310)392-0909
03/2009 Asahi Camera 2009 March issue Article
02/07-03/28/2009 "Connections" Jenkins Johnson Gallery, 521 West 26th Street 5th Floor, New York, NY 10001 (212) 629.0707
02/05-03/28/2009 "Connections" Jenkins Johnson Gallery, 464 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94108 (415) 677.0770
01/11/2009 Nikkei Newspaper, Tokyo Newspaper.
12/2008 Artworks, 2008 Winter issue
12/2008 Nikkor Club #207 (2009 Early Spring) publication by Nikon in Japan.
11/2008 Shukan Kinyobi weekly magazine in Japan.
10/2008 C International Photo Magazine Numner Seven by Ivory Press, UK
10/09-22/2008 "Ideology in Paradise", Osaka Nikon Salon, Hilton Plaza West Office Tower 13F, Umeda 2-2-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698
10/02-31/2008 "Japanese Studies", Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp
09/03-16/2008 "Ideology in Paradise", Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469
07/18-08/31/2008 FOTO8 Award & Summer Show, HOST Gallery, 1 Honduras Street, London, England. 0207-253-2770, www.hostgallery.co.uk
07/2008 The Sun July 2008 issue #391.
03/2008 PDN "Exposures" 2008 March issue
03/2008 Phot'Art International, No. 9, published in France.
02/05-02/18/2008 "Photo City Sagamihara", Shinjuku Nikon Salon, Shinjuku Elf Tower 28F, Nishi Shinjuku 1-6-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan (03)3344-0565
01/18-5/4/2008 Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, 1750 13th Street, Boulder, CO (303)443-2122 www.bmoca.org
Artist Lecture: 1/19 (Sat) 2pm
01/04-2/3/2008 "Ideology in Paradise", Newspace Center for Photography, 1632 SE 10th Ave., Portland, Oregon (503)963-1935
10/12-29/2007 "Photo City Sagamihara", Sagamihara Citizen's Gallery, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan (042)776-1262
10/04/2007 Leben magazine pubished by German newspaper ZEIT
09/08-10/17/2007 Watermark Fine Art Photographs, 3503 Lake Street, Houston, TX (713)528-8686
08/30-09/04/2007 "I See Angles Every Day", Osaka Nikon Salon, New Sankei Bldg. 1F, Umeda 2-5-2, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (06)6348-9698
09/2007 Daylight
08/2007 CRATE "Plaza de Toros" Margins and Mainstreams Publication by University of Calfornia, Riverside
07/27-08/19/2007 "Masks and Faces" Gallery Pastrays, 2-1-17-2F Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (03)3516-3080
07/13-10/07/2007 photo-eye Gallery, 376 Garcia Street Suite A, Santa Fe, NM (505)988-5159
05/15-06/09/2007 "L'Asie vue par ses artistes", Alliance Francaise de Sapporo, Minami 2 Nishi 5 Bldg. 2F,10-2, Minami 2 Nishi 5, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Japan (011)261-2771
05/2007 LensWork Interview and Portfolio, No. 70 May-June 2007 issue.
05/2007 Nikkei Otonano OFF monthly publication in Japan
04/21/2007 "Art Ball", Austin Museum of Art, Austin, Texas
03/18/2007 Hokkaido Shinbun newspaper in Japan
Book Review on "I See Angels Every Day"
03/07-03/20/2007 "I See Angles Every Day", Ginza Nikon Salon, Nikon Plaza, Ginza 7-10-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, (03)5537-1469
03/02/2007 Shukan Kinyobi weekly magazine in Japan.
02/18/2007 Asahi Shinbun newspaper in Japan
Book Review on "I See Angels Every Day"
02/18/2007 Nihon Keizai Shinbun newspaper in Japan.
Book Review on "I See Angels Every Day"
02/02/2007 Shukan Kinyobi weekly magazine in Japan.
01/19-02/16/2007 "East Meets West", Oswald Gallery in connection with Tractorbeam, 325 S. Central Expressway, Dallas, TX, (214)745-5400. www.tractorbeam.com
01/19-02/12/2007 "FACES", Paul Smith SPACE Gallery, Jingumae 5-46-14 3F, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan, (03)3486-1500. www.paulsmith.co.jp Press Release
01/12/2007 Shukan Kinyobi weekly magazine in Japan
01/05-01/31/2007 "Observations", Gallery Tosei, Chuo 5-18-20, Nakano-ku,Tokyo, Japan, (03)3380-7123. www.tosei-sha.jp
12/2006 Phot'Art International, published in France.
11/08/2006-2/18/2007 "Photographic Portrait Prize 2006", National Portrait Gallery, St. Martin's Place, London, UK.
10-11/2006 "Teen Beat", The Society for Contemporary Photography, 520 Avenida Cesar E Chavez, Kansas City, MO 64108
10/2006 hinism, Issue #7 published by WALL in Japan.
10/2006 Photo Magazine Romania, published n Romania.
09/16,17,23,24/2006 Gallery in the Garden, curator: Eileen Tognini, 81 Rockland Road, Orwigsburg, PA, (570)943-2189
09/2006 Black & White Photography, Issue #63, published in UK.
08/23/2006 Hokkaido Shinbun, newspaper in Japan.
08/05-31/2006 Oswald Gallery, 165 N. Center St., Jackson, Wyoming 83001, (307) 734-8100
07/2006 ZOOM Japan, Vol. 18 published in Japan.
04/2006 hinism, Issue #6 published by WALL in Japan.
03/2006 Gomma, Issue #2 published in UK.
01/05-02/07/2006 "In Your Face" ART-MIAMI/Chelsea Galleria 2441 NW 2nd Ave., Miami, FL, (305) 576-2950
12/2005 Nueva Luz, Vol.10, No.3, photographic journal published by En Foco.
12/02-12/04/2005 OMNIART-Miami, NE 13th Street & NE First Court, Miami, FL, (305) 576-2950
12/2005 The Sun December 2005 issue #360.
11/04-12/16/2005 "Best of Show" Gallery 1401, Philadelphia University of the Arts, 211 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 717-6300
10/27/2005-10/30/2005 AAF Contemporary Art Fair, Print Center Booth #304 Pier 92, 52nd St. & 12th Ave., New York, NY, (212) 255-2003
10/06/2005-11/26/2005 "Faces: Kabuki Players", Bonni Benrubi Gallery 41 E 57th St. 13th Fl., New York, NY, (212) 888-6007
06/03-25/2005 Tower Gallery, 969 North 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 467-4600
06/2005 SHOTS Issue #88 Summer 2005
05/2005 mobiles published in Canada.
05/20-07/03/2005 "Kabuki", Waywang Gallery 161 Yan Ji Street,106 Taipei, Taiwan, (886)227763950
04/15/2005-05/30/2005 "Two Home Countries", Photographic Center Northwest 900 12th Ave., Seattle, WA, (206) 720-7222
03/19-04/22/2005 Anniversary Show, Watermark Fine Art Photographs, 3503 Lake Street, Houston, TX (713)528-8686
03/01-04/02/2005 "One Foot After Another", Mark Woolley Gallery, 120 NW 9th Ave. Ste. 210, Portland, OR (503)224-5475
02/26-03/31/2005 White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA (310)859-2402
01/14/2005-03/10/2005 Solo Show, Oswald Gallery, 714 Congress Avenue Suite 200, Austin, TX (514)494-9440
11/16/2004-01/07/2005 "Festivals and Rituals", Tepper Takayama Fine Arts, 20 Park Plaza Suite 600, Boston, MA (617)542-0557
10/2004 The Sun Ocotber 2004 issue #346.
04/30-06/30/2004 Four Persons' Show, Bassetti Fine Art Photographs, 233 Chartres Street, New Orleans, LA, (504)529-9811
04/24-05/30/2004 Solo Show, Watermark, Fine Art Photographs and Books, 3503 Lake Street, Houston, TX, (713)528-8686
04/2004 The Sun April 2004 issue #340.
02/28-04/03/2004 "Portraits: Kabuki" White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA, (310)859-2402
01/2004 The Photo Review Volume 26 Number 3.
01/2004 Foto Pozytyw, published in Poland
01/2004 The Sun January 2004 issue #337.
12/23/2003-01/07/2004 "APA: Personal.Ads" Louis Stern Gallery, 9002 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, CA (310) 276-0147
11/14/03-01/15/2004 Two Persons Show, The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872
10/2003 The Sun October 2003 issue #334.
10/03-11/7/2003 "Best of Show" Gallery 1401, Philadelphia University of the Arts, 211 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 717-6300
09/13-10/18/2003 "Inspirations and Interpretations" White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA
06/2003 SoHo June 2003 issue, published in Columbia.
06/2003 The Sun June 2003 issue #330.
05/01-05/31/2003 Blue Sky Gallery, 1231 NW Hoyt, Portland, OR, (503)225-0210
04/12-05/17/2003 White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA, (310)859-2402
03/2003 "Camera Craft Series: Portraits", published by ava publishing in Switzerland
01/31/2003-03/31/2003 "Delicate Objects" The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872
01/2003 Orion Janurary/February 2003 issue.
12/18/2002-01/08/2003 "APA: Personal.Ads" Louis Stern Gallery, 9002 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, CA (310) 276-0147
11/21/2002-01/11/2003 "Vision of Iceland" The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872
11/2002 The Sun November 2002 issue #323.
10/25/2002 "2002 Center Awards Exhibition" Center for Photographic Art,Sunset Center Suite #1, San Carlos & 9th, Carmel, CA, (831) 625-5181
10/4-11/8/2002 "Photo Review 2002 Best of Show" Gallery 1401, Philadelphia University of the Arts, 211 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 717-6300
09/27-11/16/2002 "Grand Opening Exhibition" The Photography Room Gallery, 15 Ionia Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI, (616)690-1872
09/2002 Mundo Diners September 2002 issue #244 in Ecuador.
09/2002 Black & White Magazine "Spotlight" September issue #21.
07/27-08/31/2002 "Veiled Observations and Reflections" White Room Gallery, 8810 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA,
06/20-08/16/2002 "A Bird Show" Ricco Maresca Gallery, 529 West 20th Street 3 F, New York, NY, (212)627-4819
06/07-07/13/2002 "Quiet Observations" photo-eye Gallery, 370 Garcia Street, Santa Fe, NM , (505)988-5152
03/23-05/04/2002 "76th Annual International Competition: Photography",The Print Center, 1614 Latimer Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215)735-5511
My work can be found in the following exhibitions and publications.
Newsletter Archive
2016.06 Japanese 2016.06 English 2014.02 English 2013.08 English 2012.09 Japanese 2012.05 Japanese 2012.05 English 2011.09 Japanese 2011.09 English